Hello Austria! 

We’ve got some thrilling news to share: Urban Sports Club is expanding to Austria! That means you can now fully enjoy your Urban Sports Club membership in Austria. We’ve already partnered with some fantastic partners offering a wide variety of sports options, and we’re continuously growing.

Whether you’re planning a trip to Austria, have friends or family there, or if you’re lucky enough to call Austria home, get ready for a sports-filled journey through Austria’s coolest spots.

Get your fitness boost and explore diverse fitness studios

Urban Sports Club Austria

Fitness remains your undisputed favorite sports category, and we want to ensure you have an excellent selection of partners in Austria too. In Vienna, you can visit modern, top-notch studios like Holmes Place, EVO Fitness, and Fitfellows. Choose between cutting-edge equipment workouts or engaging group classes.

Explore the 2024 Fitness Trend: Barre

Urban Sports Club Österreich

Barre, a fusion of ballet, Pilates, and yoga, has firmly established itself as a fitness trend. This elegant yet powerful approach not only promises an effective full-body workout but also enhances flexibility, balance, and muscle strength. In Vienna, you can try out this fitness trend at Barre Club.

Find harmony of body and mind with yoga

Yoga Urban Sports Club Österreich

Yoga, together with fitness, ranks among your favorite sports, and you don’t have to miss out on it in Austria. Leave the everyday stress behind and discover tranquility in various yoga styles. Whether you’re experienced or just starting, yoga offers a fantastic blend of breath, movement, and meditation suitable for everyone. In Austria, you can visit yoga studios like Zentrum Yoveda or Barre Club in Vienna.

Boxing for adrenaline junkies

Boxen Urban Sports Club Österreich

If you’re seeking a different kind of challenge, give boxing a try. Boxing provides not only an effective full-body workout, but also an excellent way to relieve stress and learn self-defense techniques. The combination of shadow-boxing, punching bag training, and intense cardio exercises shapes your muscles and promotes endurance and coordination. In Austria, you can experience boxing at Ring Frei Gym.

Discover traditional movement arts

Tai Chi Urban Sports Club Österreich

If you’re longing for physical harmony combined with cultural experiences, whether it’s Krav Maga, dance, or Tai Chi – these traditional practices not only offer unique movement experiences but also a connection to centuries-old traditions. For enthusiasts of these traditional practices, Yamas in Vienna, for example, provides a unique combination of Krav Maga, dance, and Tai Chi.

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  1. Hi, will you also be expanding to other Austrian cities? And if yes, when do you think this could be?

    Particularly I am interested in Innsbruck, as I am moving there from Berlin this year and would love to continue with my USC membership.

    1. Hey Andreas,

      we are very happy to hear that you would love to continue with your Urban Sports Club membership.
      We are planning to expand more in the future, however, there is no fixed timeline yet.
      Feel free to check either our social channels or subscribe to our newsletter. This way you will make sure not to miss anything. 🙂

      Best regards,
      your Urban Sports Club team

  2. Super exciting! I just moved to Vienna from Berlin a few months ago and one of the things I miss most is Urban Sports Club 🙂 Will you he expanding your partnerships in the upcoming months? I’d love to reactivate my membership, but it doesn’t make a lot of sense for me with the current (limited) offering. As soon as the bouldering/climbing gyms are on board, I will be to!

    1. Hey Nina,

      we are happy to hear, that you miss Urban Sports Club and we would love to have you back!
      As we just started in Austria, the offer is still smaller than in other cities, but we are planning to grow our partners in Austria over the upcoming months. 🙂

      Best regards,
      your Urban Sports Club Team

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