Have sports paid by your health insurance
Those who exercise regularly not only promote their health, but can also prevent diseases. You may wonder whether your health insurance company subsidizes sports and which sports they pay for. This article will tell you everything you need to know about sports and health insurance providers.
More and more statutory health insurers are contributing to the costs or offering premiums if their members are involved in sports activities – for example, by joining a gym or participating in a sports program. Sure, because sports have a positive influence on health – not only physically, but also mentally.
Are sports paid by the health insurance?
Yes! Health insurance providers subsidize up to two sports programs annually with at least €75. However, many health insurance providers go beyond this and cover more than 80 percent of the costs. All programs certified by the ZPP (Zentrale Prüfstelle Prävention) are also covered.

Does my health insurance pay for sports?
In general, health insurance companies are obviously in favor of their members taking part in sports. That’s why some statutory health insurance providers also contribute to the costs of fitness and health programs. Unfortunately, health insurance providers do not cover any membership fees for sports clubs or gyms. However, some health insurance providers offer a bonus program that awards points for a sports club, a gym membership or Urban Sports Club, meaning at least one’s own initiative is rewarded. The bonus programs sometimes differ significantly between health insurance providers, so it is worth asking your health insurance provider for information. Or you can have a look at the text below – where we have listed everything you need to know for each health insurance provider.
Which sports are covered by my health insurance?

Health insurance providers do not cover every type of sport. As mentioned above, the gym membership cost is not covered, but it is subsidized with a bonus. Those who want to have sports paid for by their health insurance can participate in a class. These can include classes in yoga, Pilates, fitness, back school, gymnastics, circuit training, and much more. Classes about stress management, healthy eating, or autogenic training are also usually covered. The class is held in several sessions. You initially pay the costs, and at the end of the class phase, you receive a certificate that you have participated in at least 80 % of the classes. You then submit this proof to your public health insurance and receive the corresponding reimbursement. By the way, all classes certified by the ZPP (Zentrale Prüfstelle Prävention) are covered. Take a look at what’s being offered.
Which sports are not covered by my health insurance?
As mentioned, yoga, Pilates, fitness, back school, gymnastics, and circuit training classes are covered. These are classes that promote your health and fitness. However, for instance, ball sports, horseback riding, and boxing are not covered. Your health insurance will probably not cover dance classes either. Through a bonus program, however, you can credit your Urban Sports Club membership (and count it as a health dividend with some health insurance companies) and still participate in these sports.

How much does my health insurance pay for sports?
Public health insurance providers subsidize prevention and health classes with at least €75 per year for a maximum of two classes. Many public health insurance providers pay considerably more; 80 percent is not unusual. It is worth calling your health insurance provider to find out the exact terms. The situation is different for private health insurance providers. They usually do not pay anything.
Why should I participate in a bonus program?
Many health insurance providers offer bonus programs that could be really worthwhile for you. You can collect bonuses through various measures and actions if you participate in this offer from your health insurance. For example, you can enter your Urban Sports Club membership and thereby earn points. You can then cash them out or use them for other sports activities, fitness equipment or classes.
Do you want to know whether your health insurance subsidizes or pays for your sports-related activities or other health measures? You can find a selection of health insurance providers with all the information here.
As an Urban Sports Club member, how do I submit my proof to my health insurance company?
To give you the best possible info on how to get your premium, we called the health insurance companies below and asked what is required of you. If you think this is a lot of paperwork, and you need to ask for proof at Urban Sports Club, we have good news for you: You can easily submit the proof online to almost all health insurance companies. There are only a few things you have to pay attention to. We’ll show you what to look for!
For most health insurance companies, proof of payment is either a receipt or a contract. Luckily, you can easily access all this information on your profile.

Just log in to your profile in your web browser, click on your name on the right and you’ll have the first important information: your name, whether your membership is active, your membership number and even the number of check-ins you’ve made (which plays an important role for some health insurance companies).
In addition, for many health insurances, a proof of the activity period and the payment is essential. To do this, click on Your Account, scroll down to Payment and go to Payment history. Here you will find all essential information about your membership and your previous payments.
One more screenshot and you can submit the whole thing – and collect your bonus points.

Does my health insurance cover sports?
The AOK offers vary depending on the federal state. The following bonus programs are available.
- “AktivBonusTarif” by AOK Baden-Württemberg
- “Bonustarif” by AOK Bayern
- “BONUS fit” program by AOK Hessen
- “AOK Aktiv-Bonus” by AOK Niedersachsen
- “AOK Children’s Bonus” by AOK Nordost
- “bleibgesund-Bonus-Wahltarif” by AOK NordWest
- “AOK Bonus Program” by AOK PLUS and the AOK Rheinland-Pfalz-Saarland
- “AOK-Fit+” and “AOK-Vital+” programs by AOK Rheinland/Hamburg
- “Gesundheitsbonus” by AOK Sachsen-Anhalt
AOK offers its insured members certain reimbursements for additional services. This includes, for example, an active gym membership or Urban Sports Club membership. Depending on the region, the offers have different names.
- “Gesundheitskonto” by AOK Baden-Württemberg
- “Gesundheitsvorteil” by AOK Bayern
- “Programm 750€ PLUS” by AOK Bremen/ Bremerhaven
- “Gesundheitskonto” by AOK Hessen
- “Gesundheitskonto” by AOK Nordost
- “500 Euro-Gesundheitsbudget” by AOK NordWest
- “Gesundheitsbonus” by AOK Sachsen-Anhalt
Since there are so many different bonus programs and terms, it’s best to seek information directly from your region’s AOK health insurance provider. AOK Plus has assured us that the proof (see above) can be easily submitted via app, email or mail.
More info can be found here.

You can collect points with the Barmer bonus program. You can also collect points for a gym membership or a membership with Urban Sports Club. Adults receive 200 points for their regular gym attendance and 150 points for exercise classes. You can easily upload the proof, i.e., a proof of payment with date and membership, via app or online.
More info in the bylaws.
Bosch BKK
Bosch BKK insured members can receive cash bonuses via the bonus program. For each proven activity, insured members will receive €10, the maximum bonus is €90. These include regular sports (at the gym, Urban Sports Club, at clubs, etc.), company sports and prevention courses. In addition, there is a bonus for a healthy body weight, non-smoking and preventive checks. The health insurance provider also covers the costs of health classes (max. two per year) if the cost of the classes amounts to max. €80. You can get your bonus with your Urban Sports Club membership by uploading a screenshot of your active membership with the most important info like payments and the time period in the customer portal.
You can find all the info in the bylaws.
DAK Gesundheit
As an insured member at DAK Gesundheit, you can collect bonus points for various activities. One point corresponds to 1 Euro. For a gym or sports club membership, you will receive 50 bonus points; for health classes (max. two per year), you will collect 10 points per class. If your health data is within the normal range, you will receive another 35 points. This bonus, however, is only valid if you participate in the “Erfolgsplus” program (as of 70 points and with a sports certificate). You can also submit your Urban Sports Club membership directly online. For this, you need a screenshot of your past payments and your active membership with your name.
You can find all the info in the bylaws.

hkk Krankenkasse
The hkk Krankenkasse rewards regular sports. You will receive the Aktivbonus, if you can prove a gym membership and at least 26 training sessions per year. Regarding your Urban Sports Club membership, you can simply submit a screenshot with the check-ins, your name, and date – it must be obvious that you are actively using your membership. Sports badges or memberships with sports clubs are also rewarded. You can either cash out the bonus or use it as a health subsidy. The health subsidy contributes to the costs of services received by the insured person — it is higher than the immediate bonus.
For further information regarding the terms.
IKK Classic
At IKK Classic, bonuses can be collected for the following actions:
- Regular quality-assured services for behavioral prevention in accordance with § 20 (5) SGB V.
- Active membership or at least 20 training sessions at a quality-assured
gym or sports studio. - German sports badge
- Performance badges of a German sports association
- A body mass index within the limits recommended by the WHO
Whereby the last three points apply only in conjunction with one of the first. For each point, insured members will receive €25. So you can also submit your Urban Sports Club membership to IKK Classic. A screenshot with the most important data such as your name, active membership and payment confirmations for the relevant periods is sufficient for proof.
Further information can be found here.
KKH Kaufmännische Krankenkasse
KKH Kaufmännische Krankenkasse also offers a bonus program. Here you can either cash out the bonuses as a monetary amount or use double the amount as a subsidy for one health service per year. This means: For a gym or Urban Sports Club membership, the health insurance provider offers either €15 in cash or a subsidy of €30. In addition, sports medical examinations, health classes, and body measuring devices can also be subsidized. Those who live a healthy life (normal body mass index, non-smoker) are also rewarded. You can easily submit the proof in the online portal. Again, a screenshot of your active membership with previous payments is sufficient.
Further information can be found here.

If you are insured with Knappschaft, you will be able to participate in the bonus program and receive credit for “regular participation in exercise programs in a quality-assured gym.” Within the SportBonus program, you will receive €70 per year for your sports. In addition, certified and non-certified health classes and fitness wristbands are subsidized. You do not have to stamp your Urban Sports Club membership in the bonus booklet necessarily, but instead you can attach the proof and write it in the booklet.
Further information can be found here.
Mobil Krankenkasse
At Mobil Krankenkasse, you can choose between two bonus programs: Aktiv-Bonus and Aktiv-Konto. Under the former, the bonuses for your health measures are paid out directly. You will receive an allowance of €40 for prevention classes (max. twice a year). With Aktiv-Konto, all bonuses are used as subsidies – 1.5 times the amount. This means that with this program, you will receive €60 for a prevention class, which you can use, for example, for a fitness wristband or your gym membership. For your Urban Sports Club membership you don’t necessarily need a stamp in this case either, but you can submit a screenshot of the most important data as described above.
Further detailed information can be found here.

Insured members of Siemens-Betriebskasse will receive €10 per year for an active membership. You can cash out this bonus or use it as a billing allowance for health classes, fitness trackers, sports or fitness equipment, or sports examinations. It’s best to submit a screenshot of your active Urban Sports Club membership and past payments through the app.
Further detailed information can be found in the bylaws.
TK — Die Techniker
Techniker Krankenkasse also offers a bonus program. You can collect points for various health services and cash them out either via TK-BonusDirect (as of 1000 points). 100 bonus points equal €1. With TK-Gesundheitsdividende, you will receive a subsidy for a health service – the amount is doubled compared to the cash payment. Gyms, sports clubs as well as company and university sports are eligible for bonuses – and you also receive points for your membership at Urban Sports Club. To do this, simply enter your membership in the bonus program and upload proof, such as a screenshot of your invoice overview. In addition, bonus points are awarded for sports events and sports badges. If you select a subsidy via the TK-Gesundheitsdividende, you will be able to receive a subsidy for fitness equipment, health classes, gym membership, sports and fitness equipment, sports events (e.g., participation fees), and sports medical examinations.
You can read here which points you can get.
You can also receive an annual bonus of up to €120 from AudiBKK. Collect bonus points in the AktivFit digital bonus programme in the Audi BKK service app. Health activities are recorded in the app and rewarded with €10 each, which can be paid out directly. This includes medical check-ups, sport and relaxation, as well as complete vaccinations.
Find out more here.