Make your sports routine exceptional on Christmas
As the excitement for Christmas builds, it might be tempting to stay snuggled under the blankets, rather than get your mat out and start sweating. But this is exactly why we need an extra boost of motivation at this time of year. So instead of reaching for the glühwein, get your dumbbells out, and really earn your downtime this Christmas.
The good news is you don’t need to do it on your own – because Urban Sports Club is here to support and guide you on your fitness journey. We pride ourselves on the variety of our offer and wide range of exciting sports – from barre to yoga, fitness to Pilates. It means you can try something different every day and do something great for your health at the same time.
Trying different activities means you’ll train a variation of muscle groups, which is key to building sustainable and long-lasting fitness in a holistic way. That’s why they say variety is the spice of life!
To get you inspired to stay fit and stimulated over the festive period, here are some stand-out classes that every fitness fanatic will enjoy.
Couch flow

Couch Flow yoga offers peaceful, re-energising vinyasa flow straight from their couch to yours. With four studios in the Cologne area, Lord Vishnus encourages each participant to take care of themselves, and in turn take care of each other.
They understand that everybody’s reality is different, and each moment is unique to the individual. However the teachers here aim to bring peace and enchantment to those sacred moments in which we practice the art of yoga, and in so doing invite that magic to leak into everyday life. The result is a deep and untouchable serenity that will impact day-to-day interactions in a positive way. So what are you waiting for?
Chair Dance and Strip tease

It can be difficult to see the positives to this pandemic but this is definitely one of them. With our new online offer you can now try classes you might have been too nervous to try before – from the comfort of your own home. Classes like chair dance and strip tease have catapulted in popularity since we launched our online offer in March, and for good reason.
From home you can turn your camera off and practise those sensual moves without any embarrassment. But did you know chair dance and strip tease is also a fantastic workout? Pole Flow Berlin offers an hour long class that works your upper body, torso, butt, legs, even your calves! Plus it’s the ultimate way to give your confidence a boost over the Christmas period.
Find out what you can expect from a pole dance class here.
Body Sculpt

Here at Urban Sports Club we stand for inclusivity, which is why we love this body sculpt class for seniors and beginners. Vitaminsport is a fitness studio in the heart of Bergheim, with an emphasis on health and wellness for all ages and fitness levels. Their body sculpt online class series is designed to ease newcomers into finding a fitness class they love – one that will keep the participants in shape and boost their immune system at the same time.
Another positive to our online sports offer is that you can take part in classes wherever you are. This hour long course is perfect for anyone who’s looking to ease their way back into fitness and kickstart the winter season in a wholesome and enjoyable way.
Handstands at home

Have you always dreamed of being able to do a handstand? Although it seems like an advanced move, with the coherent classes from Papillon Tanz Studio you’ll be able to do a handstand in a safe and secure way from the comfort of your own home.
Papillon Tanz pride themselves on teaching the art of dance in a fun and accessible way, because they believe that dance is the essence of life and everyone should be able to enjoy it. The same goes for handstands – seeing the world from a different perspective is the key to happiness, and standing upside down is one way to get a change of scenery during lockdown.
Yoga meets dance

Sometimes a deep vinyasa flow isn’t quite enough to get those endorphins pumping, which is why the team at Green Yoga have thrown a little spice into the mix. With their Yoga Meets Dance class, you’ll move from downward dog into contemporary dance flows, balancing your asanas with twists and turns. Your teacher is a trained choreographer who knows how to get the best out of people while pushing their limits. And the best bit? Green Yoga donates 5% of their profits towards planting trees, so you’ll be doing something good for your body and the planet.
Urban Sports Club is here to support you through these challenging times with a range of fun, exciting and diverse activities. Sign up today and stay fit over the festive period.
Are you still looking for the perfect gift for your loved ones? This year, give more than sports: motivation, goals and health! With our vouchers you can definitely put a big smile on the faces of family and friends for Christmas.