How improve your body and mind from home
Now that we’ve all settled into our new and temporary reality of spending a lot of time at home, we can start establishing healthy and positive routines to make sure we keep our marbles intact. Staying motivated in this environment can be a challenge, but once those healthy habits are established you’ll find your days become more varied, fulfilling and productive.
Taking care of both your body and mind in this period of stillness is crucial to marble maintenance, so here are 5 ways you can make sure you keep on growing – even when you aren’t going anywhere…
Self-care and relaxation
Since it’s become legal to extract CBD from the hemp plant, the ingredient has taken Europe by storm. It’s easy to see why: the extract has all the healing power of the plant without the psychoactive effects of THC.
There are numerous reports and studies about the effects of CBD-oil. Its antioxidant properties are believed to relax and calm the psyche and help you fall asleep.
As a cannabidiol-based gel, CBD is said to alleviate tense muscles after sports. The sports gel can be used to massage your arms, legs, neck and back and will be particularly effective after intensive sports activities. We recommend VAAY sports gel – a mixture of essential oils that helps to calm and relax the body.
Learn a new language
Did you know that you can learn languages just as efficiently online as you can in a classroom? There’s no better time to learn that language you always promised you would and there are tons of resources available online that will get you speaking fast.
We’re big believers in Babbel. With their 15-minute, carefully curated lessons designed with real-life dialogue in mind, you’ll learn to speak with confidence in no time at all. Their lessons are fun, functional and will stick in your brain as they use special learning techniques to help the information stick. Whether you’re a beginner or an advanced speaker, you can choose your lessons according to your personal interests. The Babbel experts create lessons especially for you – with relevant topics like travel or business.
Put your body to the test
We might be inside but it doesn’t mean we can’t stay fit. Urban Sports Club has adapted their offering with thousands of live classes from hundreds of partners all across Europe. Now you can try a military fitness class in Lisbon, a self defence class in Berlin or hip hop yoga in Marseille. There’s never been a better time to try out our huge range of courses and get to know a totally unique culture at the same time.
Alternatively, you can stick with what you know and continue to workout live with your favourite instructors from the comfort of your own home. Every time you check-in to a live online course 80% of the revenue generated goes straight to our partners, including those that can’t adapt their offering to online (swimmers, climbers, water-skiers – we got you).
There’s a lot of negativity on social media and news websites these days, and sitting at home all day with nothing but a computer screen to look at can make it very easy to fall into a bad-news spiral. That’s why for many, meditation is one of the only ways to manage those overwhelming feelings and learn how to live in the present rather than in a scary dystopian future. Apps like Headspace can teach beginners the basics of meditation, starting with 3 minute, bite size courses all the way through to 20 minute meditations on managing stress, happiness and anxiety.
To help support you through this challenging time, Headspace is offering a new collection of meditation, sleep, and movement exercises called “Weathering the storm”. It’s certainly transformed the way I cope with stress.
Explore fascia-training
If you’re anything like me, it can be easy to forget about that stretching routine when there’s no gym mat available to stretch on. As a result I’ve definitely noticed a little more stiffness than usual after exercise.
But there’s no need to let that stretch routine fall by the wayside. Investing in fascia-training equipment such as BLACKROLL® will help you regenerate with self-massage, so you’re able to maintain flexibility in your muscles and mobility in your skeletal system from the comfort of your home. BLACKROLL® has a range of foam rollers, balls and boosters with tutorials on how to roll those muscles out post-exercise to avoid injury
So after you enjoy our live online workouts, you can give those muscles a good, deep stretch.
Boost your immune system
There’s no doubt that cooking is good for your psyche – it’s a way to relax and unwind after a tough day. Not only does delicious food make you happy, it’s a way to strengthen your immune system, especially when you incorporate healthy portions of fruit and veg.
If you’re still dealing with broccoli trauma from your childhood, or you’re lacking in some essential vitamins, then dietary supplements could be the way to go. For this purpose we recommend nu3. Their innovative products help you achieve a healthier and fitter everyday life and you’ll absorb tons of recommended nutrients to help you maintain a healthy lifestyle and pursue your personal goals.
Have you heard of kombucha? It’s a fermented drink made from tea, sugar, bacteria and yeast. It has cult status as the drink has transformational powers – it’s proven to boost your immune system, kickstart your metabolism and, most importantly, fight off bacteria.
The cult drink is almost everywhere available, but now you can brew it also by yourself with Manu’s Kombucha from the ManuTeeFaktur.
In this sense: Stay healthy. Keep moving. If you’re an active Urban Sports Club member and haven’t yet subscribed to our newsletter, then let’s get going. At the end of April we’ll be personally thanking our members for their loyalty with exclusive offers from the above mentioned partners. In the meantime, we hope these tips will inspire you to keep physically and mentally fit at home.