Urban Sports Club and OneFit join forces
Hey USCers! Drop your barbells, finish those ab reps, wrap up your yoga practice and focus your energy on our exciting news! Urban Sports Club are joining forces with Amsterdam-based OneFit!
Just like USC our Dutch pals OneFit offer a fitness flat-rate in the Netherlands, Germany and Spain. This means good news all round. All of our members will get access to even more venues, classes and workouts and will be able to check-in to 10,0000 locations across the Netherlands, Germany, Spain, France, Italy and Portugal.
So you can get those workouts in during your business trips, holidays, best mates stag party or your mum’s 60th. We’ve got you – wherever your busy life takes you. Europe is your sports club!
The plan: In Germany and Spain, teams and products will merge later this year under the brand name USC. In the Netherlands we’ll operate under the brand name OneFit for the time being. We’ll keep our community posted with regular updates on how it’s going, any cool new partners (any real crazy ones too) and all other developments during this exciting period. For now, nothing has changed. We’ll keep you all updated on the process and next steps for OneFit or USC members.
We’re so happy to have you on this journey with us and can’t wait for more exciting and sporty times ahead.
–Serge Brabander (OneFit), Benjamin Roth (Urban Sports Club), Camille Richardson (OneFit) and Moritz Kreppel (Urban Sports Club)

Q&A with Moritz and Benjamin, founders of USC
What just happened?! Why are USC and OneFit merging???
Quite simply – because it makes sense. OneFit has a very similar product to us and they’re active in two of our five countries: Spain and Germany. Plus they’ve built up a great company and team at home in the Netherlands.
Why do the two companies make sense together?
Moritz: We have a comparable DNA and philosophy: We want to encourage people to live healthy lives and integrate more exercise into their day-to-day.
Benjamin: OneFit launched just after we did in 2012 and have gone through the same challenges and successes. Serge says that they started with one euro and a good idea. That was similar with Moritz and I. We had a vision and a mediocre PowerPoint presentation – and we invested our hard-earned money to get the concept off the ground. Our families weren’t always happy about it! But both USC and OneFit went through a similar journey to get to where we are now.
How did you get to know Serge and Camille?
Benjamin (laughs): We’ve been talking about this deal for over two years with OneFit. We had long, intensive conversations and dinner evenings in Paris, Berlin, Barcelona and Amsterdam.
Moritz: You may not believe that competitors talk to each other, but we do. We have a lot in common and respect for each other because we know how much hard work it is! With Serge and Camille we had a good vibe right from the start, because we’ve had similar experiences.
What does this mean for the USC community? What’s changing?
Moritz: Nothing changes yet – you’ll receive a clear announcement over the next few months as soon as anything changes. OneFit in Germany, i.e. their previous cities Hamburg and Cologne, will probably be merged with Urban Sports Club in the next few months. The same will apply later to Madrid and Barcelona in Spain. For the time being, the Netherlands will remain under the name OneFit.
What’s most exciting about this next step for you?
Moritz: We’re growing so fast so we’re delighted to have 70 new colleagues in one fell swoop. They bring valuable experience and they love sports just as passionately as we do. It’s a huge step forward!
Benjamin: And our Dutch colleagues have done an amazing job of building up a strong community and great partners. It means we’ll have over 10,000 partners in our network, offering our members more than 50 sports including fitness studios, swimming pools, yoga and dance studios, surfing spots, even riding schools in Spain! And the community’s getting bigger by the day. I am looking forward to my first check-in in Amsterdam!
Hey USC, do you still have partners in Amsterdam?
I don’t find anything about that on your website…