Urban Sports Club celebrates the milestones of 2019

As the days grow shorter, the weather turns colder, and the HIIT training moves indoors for the winter, we take a moment to reflect on the many milestones reached by Urban Sports Club in 2019. Looking back, there is much to celebrate — expansion into new markets, successful mergers and acquisitions, a growing team, and a brand-new HQ.

Undoubtedly, 2019 marked Urban Sports Club’s transition into hyper-growth, as the sports company expanded to dozens of new cities, launched in Spain, Belgium, Denmark, Norway, and Finland, grew its member base internationally, and provided those members with access to an ever-increasing number (10,000+) of venues across Europe.

Urban Sports Club also underwent 2 successful mergers and acquisitions, most notably with its Dutch counterpart OneFit. This merger with OneFit allowed Urban Sports Club to reach thousands of Dutch members while providing both Urban Sports Club and OneFit members with an even greater number of activities and venues to enjoy. In addition to OneFit, Urban Sports Club also acquired French company Zippy Pass in the fall, strengthening its presence in the French market.
While member numbers continue to grow, so too does the Urban Sports team, for this growth would not be possible without a stellar team to carry it forward. Ending the year on a high note, the Urban Sports group is thrilled to onboard its 500th employee.

Increased employee numbers left the Urban Sports Club team in Berlin in need of a new space to call home. Luckily, Oliver van Blotzheim, Head of Design at Urban Sports Club, partnered with Tilman Glatz, Architect and Founder of Glatz & Glatz, to deliver an outstanding new HQ in the heart of Berlin, fit to serve the team as it continues to grow.
“2019 was an exciting year as we began to see our vision of a European sports community come to life. For this reason, we are thankful to every person in the Urban Sports Club team for helping us reach this point. Starting 2020 with a larger team, a wider network of sports venues, a bespoke headquarters, and an outstanding partner in OneFit, we look forward to an even better year ahead.” – Benjamin Roth and Moritz Kreppel, Co-Founders and CEOs
From Turin to Toulouse, Brussels to Barcelona, Copenhagen to Cologne, every member of the Urban Sports Club team wishes you the happiest of holidays and a healthy, active new year.
Want to spend 2020 dedicated to helping inspire people to live a healthy and active life? Apply to join our team.