Q&A: LEOGANT founder busts myths about water consumption

During breakfast, lunch, dinner and any time in between – we are always drinking something. Ingesting liquid is a vital part of our day, not to mention our survival. We can go weeks without food, but without water our bodies can only function for 3 or 4 days. Of course, it depends on the individual, but one thing’s for certain: we all need water to function.

It’s especially important we drink enough water when doing sports, as we lose up to one additional litre of water per hour. But how much is enough, and how much is too much? For this episode of Q&A, we asked Thomas Hartwig, founder of LEOGANT, to get to the bottom of 3 myths about water.

NACHGEFRAGT bei LEOGANT – Mythen übers Wasser trinken

Thomas is dedicated to raising awareness of the positive impact of water on our health. His company LEOGANT produces filter and vitalization systems for water treatment, offering practical and effective solutions for a healthy and more sustainable life.

And now: Water!

Myth 1 – You can never drink too much water

Life would not exist without water. Sufficient water intake is the basis for a well-functioning metabolism. The amount one should drink per day varies, but I recommend an adult drink about 0.03 liters of still water per kilogram of body weight every day. That’s just under 2.5 liters a day for a person who weighs 80 kilograms. 

Even a loss of just 2% of fluid can lead to a noticeable decline in physical and mental performance. So if you drink too little, this can have a negative impact on your ability to concentrate and react, for example during long car journeys or at work.

But if you drink too much, you can also harm your body. If you consume more fluid than you excrete, the fluid stays in your circulation and dilutes the blood. In the process, the sodium level in your blood drops, which literally swells your cells. Worst case scenario, this can lead to water intoxication, also known as hyponatremia. It should be noted, however, that this does not happen quickly, so you don’t have to worry if you accidentally drink too much fluid.  

In order to achieve your maximum physical performance, it’s important you supply your body with sufficient fluids before, during and after physical activity. Without the right fluid supply, you won’t be able to reach your top performance. So when you drink water regularly and sufficiently, you are doing your body a favor. 

My recommendation: Instead of drinking a liter of water three times a day, it’s better to drink smaller amounts of fluid consistently. Do not exceed three times the recommended amount. If you still feel thirsty despite drinking the recommended amount, consult your doctor and have your thyroid and kidney function checked.

Myth 2 – Those who drink less sweat less

The widespread misconception that people who sweat a lot should drink as little as possible to avoid sweating even more is not accurate. The amount you sweat depends on your physical disposition. 

Especially during sports, the body loses an above-average amount of fluid through sweat within a short period of time. Well-trained athletes can keep their performance constant despite an increased sweat loss – but not in the long run. When you lose 3-5% of your water intake, you’ll experience physical exertion, muscle cramps, nausea and a significant power decrease.

It can be difficult to tell if you’ve drunk enough during sports, so drink lots of water before training. In almost every sport it’s recommended to drink small amounts steadily throughout the session. You can tell if you have a balanced water intake by almost colourless and odourless urine.

Myth 3 – More oxygen in water increases performance

Water is now available many variants: enriched with oxygen, minerals, hydrogen or a special PH value. Yet pure water is itself a source of energy, free of pollutants, and has a vitalizing effect on your body.

As far as I know, water with additional oxygen enrichment is not scientifically proven. In my opinion, additional oxygen in the water makes no sense, because our lungs are responsible for oxygen intake.

According to the Federal Environment Agency, drinking water in Germany is one of the best controlled goods and is of very high quality. You can further improve water quality with filters and you can ‘structure’ water by adding a rock crystal. This gives it a high surface tension and increases its electrical conductivity. Structured water is said to have a positive effect on your body, as it  penetrates the cell membrane which increases oxygen content so your cells can better produce energy.

For me, no drink replaces fresh mountain spring water and I drink only filtered and structured water. For your workout, still water is best, but also diluted fruit juices in a mixing ratio of 3:1 or 1:1, as well as isotonic drinks.

Your turn!

Do you have further questions? If you want to know more about drinking water, especially in the context of your regular exercise routine, ask our expert! On Tuesday, May 4th, at 5:30 pm, Thomas Hartwig will answer your questions in a live talk on our Instagram channel. Submit all your questions here in advance and be there when Thomas answers them.

Our conclusion

Water is the elixir of life. If you drink enough of it, you’ll boost your physical and mental health. Drink at regular intervals and in sufficient quantities, both in everyday life and during sports to protect yourself from reduced performance. And if you’re looking for sweaty workouts to do your body even more good, visit our website.


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